About Us
Child Tea Set .com is your single source for the finest tea sets for children imported from around the world. Our parent company is A Bit of Britain which is what your charge card statement will show. We feature different parts of our store on their own web sites so you will find wonderful teapots on www.allteapots.com and unique Christmas ornaments and decor at www.Christmas Gift Gallery.com
Our wish is to offer you a whole range of goods that you would not normally not see. We want you to have an easy time navigating our sites and to see just how nice online shopping can be.
Do let us know if there is anything else we can do to improve things for you.
Best wishes-Mark and Karen
Our toll free number is 1-866-797-4084 From Canada, outside the US or Colorado call 303-456-5742
You can email using the following link: Email Us Now